Ever Gold [Projects]
Art Market San Francisco
Booth 403
Fort Mason Center, Festival Pavilion
2 Marina Boulevard, San Francisco, CA 94123
April 26–29, 2018
[Ever Gold Projects] is pleased to announce #MAGAburger, a project by Anonymous at the 2018 edition of Art Market San Francisco. Fairgoers are invited to cook and enjoy a meal while gazing at Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s Two Sisters (On the Terrace) within the framework of the art fair. This makeshift office break room has a white foldout table and chairs, a chest freezer filled with frozen White Castle cheeseburgers, a 1200-watt countertop microwave with cooking instructions, and an orange Home Depot water cooler filled with orange Tang powdered energy drink to be served in white cone shaped cups. The letters “MAGA” applied via marking chalk paint appear larger than life over crimson walls. All of these seemingly disparate elements serve collectively as a platform to herald a new genre of work.
The ornately framed and famed Renoir, Two Sisters (On the Terrace), has been the subject of much debate as of late. The prized possession of a well-known real-estate developer, reality TV star, and now, 45th President of the United States, is perhaps the foundational piece in the new genre-bending revolutionary fake art movement. It is the next logical progression of the Appropriation movement, where there is a complete disregard for re-contextualizion and instead, the goal is for the work to be perceived as the very thing referenced. The falsehood becomes the form and therefore creates the context of actual representation. The success of the work results in the viewer’s newly found psychosis and convincing others around them. The idea “to make one’s own” has been reimagined in the perception of reality where the notion of one’s own is literally “owned.” Copy. Paste. Pwned.
Unfortunately, this project is unavailable, as it was sold to Christian and Karen Boros. It will be available to experience at the 2018 edition of Art Market San Francisco, and then it will travel to its permanent home at the collectors’ former Second World War air raid shelter, built in 1942 in central Berlin. An edition is being considered. Inquiries are welcomed.

Installation view, #MAGABURGER at Art Market San Francisco, 2018. Courtesy of Ever Gold [Projects].

Installation view, #MAGABURGER at Art Market San Francisco, 2018. Courtesy of Ever Gold [Projects].

Installation view, #MAGABURGER at Art Market San Francisco, 2018. Courtesy of Ever Gold [Projects].

Installation view, #MAGABURGER at Art Market San Francisco, 2018. Courtesy of Ever Gold [Projects].

Installation view, #MAGABURGER at Art Market San Francisco, 2018. Courtesy of Ever Gold [Projects].