Casey Gray
Double Knotted
Hashimoto Contemporary
804 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109
April 1 – 22, 2017
Reception: April 1, 6-9 pm
April 1, Hashimoto Contemporary opens Double Knotted, a solo exhibition of new work by San Francisco-based artist Casey Gray. This new body of work by Gray utilizes spray paint and hand-cut masking techniques in the production of still lifes, with the compositions referencing historical painting tropes. These tableaus incorporate a wide range of images and objects from modern life, with the title of the exhibition referring to the shoelaces which feature compositionally in a number of the new paintings. The Pursuit of Happiness, the largest of the paintings at 6 by 8 feet, depicts a cabinet with many sections containing items of the past and present, each with symbolic significance.

Still Life with Flowers No. 35, 2017. Aerosol acrylic, aerosol enamel, aerosol glitter, ink on panel, 36 x 48 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Hashimoto Contemporary.

Web, 2017. Aerosol acrylic on panel, 30 x 24 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Hashimoto Contemporary.

The Pursuit of Happiness, 2015-17. Aerosol acrylic, aerosol enamel, aerosol glitter, aerosol molding paste, acrylic on panel, 72 x 96 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Hashimoto Contemporary.

Trompe l’oeil with Seated Nude, 2016. Aerosol acrylic on panel, 19.5 x 15.5 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Hashimoto Contemporary.

DNT WAY ME DWN, 2016. Aerosol acrylic on panel, 39.5 x 31 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Hashimoto Contemporary.