Richard Avedon, Al Bello, David Burnett, Rich Clarkson, Georges Demeny, Dr. Harold Edgerton, Rineke Dijkstra, Brian Finke, Toni Frissell, Ken Geiger, LeRoy Grannis, David Guttenfelder, Ernst Haas, Charles “Teenie” Harris, Walter Iooss, Jr., Heinz Kleutmeier, Stanley Kubrick, Jacques Henri Lartigue, Neil Leifer, Étienne-Jules Marey, Bob Martin, Martin Munkacsi, Edward Muybridge, Catherine Opie, Leni Reifenstahl, Robert Riger, Alexander Rodchenko, Howard Schatz, Flip Schulke, George Silk, Barton Silverman, Andy Warhol, and others
Who Shot Sports: A Photographic History, 1843 to the Present
Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11238
July 15, 2016 – January 8, 2017
Members Preview and Reception: July 14, 1-10 pm
T-Rex (Film Screening): July 21, 7 pm
Space Jam (Film Screening): August 4, 8 pm
2016 Summer Olympics Viewing: August 18, 5-10 pm
July 15, the Brooklyn Museum opens Who Shot Sports: A Photographic History, 1843 to the Present, a survey exhibition of sports photography including 230 photographs by more than 170 photographers, and more than 220 digital images. Curated by Gail Buckland (who also curated the 2009 exhibition Who Shot Rock & Roll: A Photographic History, 1955 to the Present), the photographs in the exhibition are organized along thematic lines: The Beginnings of Sports Photography, The Decisive Moment, Fans and Followers, Portraits, Off the Field, Vantage Point, In and Out of the Ring, For the Love of Sport, and The Olympics. A book, also titled Who Shot Sports: A Photographic History, 1843 to the Present, will be published by Alfred A. Knopf to accompany the exhibition.

Lucy Nicholson,(American/British, born England), Alzheimer’s Ping Pong Therapy, Los Angeles, CA, 2011, printed 2016. Inkjet print, 10 5/8 x 16 3/8 inches. Courtesy of Lucy Nicholson/Reuters and the Brooklyn Museum.

Bob Martin (British, born 1959), Avi Torres of Spain sets off at the start of the 200m freestyle heats, Paralympic Games, Athens, September 1, 2004, printed 2016. Inkjet print, 14 x 9½ inches. Courtesy of Bob Martin/Sports Illustrated and the Brooklyn Museum.

Anderson and Low (Jonathan Anderson, British, born 1961 and Edwin Low, British, born Malaysia, 1957). William Reynolds, Gymnast, United States Military Academy, 2001. Gelatin silver photograph diptych, 20 x 16 inches each. © Anderson and Low, all rights reserved. Courtesy of the artists/Throckmorton Fine Art and the Brooklyn Museum.

Brian Finke (American, born 1976), Untitled (Cheerleading #81), 2001, printed 2003. Chromogenic print, 30 x 30 inches. Courtesy of the artist and the Brooklyn Museum.

Robert Riger (American, 1924–1995), The Golden Arm, Johnny Unitas, 1958. Gelatin silver print, 12 3/4 x 18 1/4 inches. Collection of the artist. © Robert Riger. Courtesy of the Robert Riger Living Trust and the Brooklyn Museum.

Arthur Thill (Luxembourgish, born 1950), Narrow Escape – Fire Incident in Hockenheim, German F1 Grand Prix, July 31, 1994, printed 2016. Inkjet print, 7 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches. Courtesy of the artist/ATP Photo Agency and the Brooklyn Museum.