Saul Levine
The Films of Saul Levine I: Tunes of Sound and Silence
Chin’s Push
4917 York Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90042
August 26, 7:30 pm
Chin’s Push, a nomadic curatorial collaboration between Jade Novarino and Eli Coplan, presents The Films of Saul Levine I: Tunes of Sound and Silence, a screening in the backyard of their current York Boulevard location. The screening, programmed by Matthew Doyle and co-presented by Los Angeles Filmforum, features eight Super 8 films created between 1969 and 2011. The screening will be followed by a conversation between Saul Levine and Adam Hyman. More information about the films to be screened is available on the Filmforum website.
Notes of an Early Fall (Part I & II) (1976, sound, 33.25 minutes)
Note to Pati (1969, R8, 7.5 minutes)
Notes After Long Silence (1984-89, sound, 16 minutes)
Note to Poli (1982-83, 2.5 minutes)
A Few Tunes Going Out: Groove to Groove (1978-84, sound, 12 minutes)
Light Licks: Daily Camera (2011, 8.5 minutes)
Crescent (1993, sound, 5 minutes)
A second screening featuring Levine’s video work takes place the following evening at VeggieCloud (5210 Monte Vista, Los Angeles), also beginning at 7:30 pm. The artist will attend both screenings.

Saul Levine, Notes After Long Silence (film still), 1984-1989. Super 8 film, sound, 16 minutes. Courtesy of the artist and Chin’s Push.