Paul Wackers and Jessica Hans
Earth Wizard
Park Life Gallery
220 Clement St, San Francisco, CA
November 8 – December 20, 2014
Paul Wackers
Paul Wackers
Eleanor Harwood Gallery
1295 Alabama St, San Francisco, CA
November 21 – December 22, 2014
New work by New York-based artist Paul Wackers is currently on view at two San Francisco galleries. At Park Life, new ceramic sculptures and works on paper from Wackers are included in the exhibition Earth Wizard alongside works from Jessica Hans, an artist from Philadelphia working with ceramic vessels in a complementary style. A number of sculptural collaborations between Wackers and Hans are also on view. At Eleanor Harwood Gallery, a solo exhibition of Wackers’ paintings marks the artist’s fourth solo exhibition with the gallery. These paintings, on panel, canvas, and paper, represent a revisitation by Wackers of his charming household/studio still lifes.

Paul Wackers, A Way to Be, 2014, ink on paper, framed, 22 x 30 inches. Courtesy of Park Life Gallery.

Paul Wackers, History Vase, 2014, ceramic, 10 x 7.5 x 7 inches. Courtesy of Park Life Gallery.

Jessica Hans, Black Morel, 2013, glazed porcelain, 8 x 8 x 14 inches. Courtesy of Park Life Gallery.

Paul Wackers, Situation at Hand, 2014, acrylic, spray paint on panel, 48 x 60 inches. Courtesy of Eleanor Harwood Gallery.