Amy Balkin, Adriana Camarena, and Kirk Crippens
“Real Estate: Creating Land Value & Dispossession”
Headlands Center for the Arts
944 Simmonds Road, Sausalito, CA 94965
Tickets: $25 ($20 for Members)
October 5, 4:30 pm
Sunday, October 5, Headlands hosts “Real Estate: Creating Land Value & Dispossession,” a conversation between Amy Balkin, Adriana Camarena, and Kirk Crippens, three artists documenting–through photography, research, writing and other creative reaction–the current state of land ownership and dispossession in the United States. Amy Balkin’s project This is the Public Domain began with the purchase of 2.64 acres, 100 miles north of Los Angeles; Balkin has designated the site and its resources as international and public domain in perpetuity. Adriana Camarena documents the experiences of San Francisco’s working class immigrants in her Unsettlers Project, creating a multi-media archive of personal accounts and artifacts. Photographer Kirk Crippens cataloged the precarious mixture of foreclosed properties, abandoned structures, and new commercial developments in Stockton, CA for his series The Great Recession: Foreclosure, USA. Moderated by Christian L. Frock, the artists will address developments particular to California, as well as more widespread trends and effects.
A walk around Headlands campus led by urban geographer Richard A. Walker begins at 4 pm before the conversation; please RSVP for this separate event on the Headlands website.
The conversation begins Sunday, October 5 at 4:30 pm, followed by a dinner at 6:30. Purchase tickets on the Headlands website.

Amy Balkin, This is the Public Domain. Courtesy of Headlands Center for the Arts.
For tickets and more information, please visit the Headlands website.