Currently on view at Ratio 3, San Francisco is “Winter,” a solo exhibition by Amie Siegel. The exhibition features a large-scale video installation, accompanying performances, and a new series of photographic works, this exhibition marks the North American debut of Siegel’s 33-minute film, “Winter” (2013). Live performances score the projected film, providing a soundtrack that changes with each performance iteration, suggesting a non-linear progression from production to exhibition. In Siegel’s installation, spaces of production, performance, and spectacle merge and interchange, unhinging the fixity of the film medium.

Amie Siegel, Winter, 2013
S-16mm transferred to High Definition
33 minutes, color/sound, performance, objects
(still). Courtesy of Ratio 3
“Winter” is on view through May 10, 2014.
For more information visit Ratio 3, San Francisco.