Installation view. Courtesy of Catriona Jeffries, Vancouver.

Installation view. Courtesy of Catriona Jeffries, Vancouver.

Installation view. Courtesy of Catriona Jeffries, Vancouver.

Installation view. Courtesy of Catriona Jeffries, Vancouver.


Currently on view at Catriona Jeffries, Vancouver is “The Written Face,” a solo exhibition by Rebecca Brewer featuring a body of recent paintings. Brewer’s recent paintings are rendered as composites of painterly marks, and unconventional shaped and colors.  In many cases the figures present in he earlier works have disappeared. However, her assembled fragments still suggest the human figure even as they break apart and disperse into a landscape across the picture plane. The paintings then become the figure’s interior landscape, a representation of inner life; on the other hand, the entire painting has become a landscape and the viewer becomes the figure.


“The Written Face” is on view through May 3, 2014.
For more information visit Catriona Jeffries, Vancouver.