Opening Friday, March 7th at Krowswork, Oakland is “The Way Through,” a solo exhibition by Kadet Kuhne. Kuhne’s work centers on an existential dilemma (and dialectic) of movement versus non-movement, resistance versus surrender, receding from versus emerging into…space, presence, being. At its heart Kuhne’s art is seeking a way to explore and come to know the unconscious while avoiding the very real potential of being drowned by it. In order to fully investigate this struggle, Kuhne makes it palpable by creating specific, experiential artworks that employ single- and multi-channel videos, intensive sound design, sculpture, and two-dimensional images. With these works she provides a visual, aural, and also somatic simulacrum of our tightly spun-together nature—one in which any movement toward transcendence is simultaneously frustrated by inertia, negation, or perceived boundaries.

Kadet Kuhne, Emerge. Courtesy of Krowswork.

Kadet Kuhne, Emerge. Courtesy of Krowswork.


For more information visit Krowswork, Oakland.