Opening Friday, January 24th at City Limits, Oakland is “Trapper Keeper,” a group show featuring four female painters creating improvised, abstract compositions using unconventional materials. Latex, vinyl, dye, glitter and makeup are used alongside paint to create works which are at times overindulgent or diaristic. The bright, glittery palette resembles the aesthetic of Trapper Keepers and Lisa Frank merchandise popular with adolescent girls in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Dolphins and puppies are eschewed for voluptuous poured forms, swaths of color, and loose gestures. These works combine painterly sophistication with the impulsive but orderly doodles found in bored teens’ notebooks. “Trapper Keeper” features work by Mia Christopher, Mie Hørlyck Mogensen, Jane Kim, and Lana Williams.
Opening Reception: Friday, January 24th, 2014. 7-11pm.
“Trapper Keeper” is on view through February 15th, 2014.
For more information visit City Limits, Oakland.