Opening January 4th at Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco is two exhibitions, Peter Hujar’s “Love & Lust” and Nan Goldin’s “Nine Self-Portraits.” The work of Peter Hujar (1934–1987) is revered by artists, yet still something of a secret to the wider art public. His photographs dealing with sex and eros—pictures that are among his finest and most radical work—may be responsible in part for the sub rosa quality of his reputation. Fraenkel Gallery will present the first exhibition and publication to focus on Hujar’s photographs of love and lust.

Nan Goldin
Shadow of a dead bird on Simon’s window, Stockholm
September, 2013.
Courtesy of Fraenkel Gallery.
Nan Goldin’s “Nine Self-Portraits” features recent photographs never exhibited before, as well as diaristic and contemplative works spanning back to the 1990s. With her characteristic rich colors, deep shadows and lush textures, Goldin shares very personal images of desire, intimacy and introspection.
Opening Reception: January 4th, 2014.
The exhibitions will be on view through March 8, 2014.
For more information visit Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco.