Opening Friday, January 31st at Thvm, Los Angeles is “Mille plateaux, A Nomadic Experience,” featuring work by Russian born and based artists, Vlad Kulkov and Marya Dmitrieva. For their first solo exhibition in the United States, Kulkov and Dmitrieva intertwine thier respective styles to create a site-specific installation. This is an aesthetic journey that derives its conceptual basis from the pervading theory of rhizomes, explored in the eponomously named text, Mille plateaux by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. In a horticultural sense, rhizomes are the below surface horizontal splay of roots, each with offshoots creating a uniquely, meandering path.


Opening Reception: Friday, January 31st, 2014. 7-11pm.


For more information visit Thvm, Los Angeles.