Opening Saturday, January 25th at Favorite Goods, Los Angeles is “Archive of Representation and Collections” a group exhibition featuring works by Carson Fisk-Vittori, Michael Hunter, Julie Grosche, Michael Jones McKean, Aude Pariset, Kate Steciw, Matthias Merkel-Hess, and Catherine Czacki. “Archive of Representation and Collections” is an exhibition that revisits the past of Favorite Goods and explores the idea of “re”: re-exhibiting artists that Favorite Goods has shown in the past, re-working a piece from FG’s first show, re-showing pieces that are now part of The Audrey N. Moyer Collection, re-displaying publications and saved ephemera. This exhibition is as much about the artists and their work as it is about a space and its creations.

Windshield Display, 2013 Carson Fisk-Vittori. Archival inkjet print, shampoo & conditioner, photo transfer vases. Courtesy of the artist.

Carson Fisk-Vittori, Windshield Display, 2013.
Archival inkjet print, shampoo & conditioner, photo transfer vases.
Courtesy of the artist.

Opening Reception: Saturday, January 25th, 2014. 7-10pm.


Archive of Representation and Collections is on view through March 8th, 2014.


For more information visit Favorite Goods, Los Angeles.