Currently on view at Thomas Duncan Gallery, Los Angeles is a group exhibition, “Long Instant Short Hour” featuring works by Heather Guertin, Zak Prekop, and Josh Tonsfeldt. The exhibition is composed of a variety of pieces including painting, video, installation, and various prints. “Long Instant Short hour” gains most of it’s appeal due to the careful curation of the exhibit, bringing three artist’s who work in completely different realms of art making into one cohesive show. Below is a excerpt from the press release.
“I myself really didn’t want to get wet, but when I saw myself moving towards me, I had no choice but to react. I picked up a loose stone from the wall and threw it at my face. I hit myself but I’m such a weak thrower that it didn’t do much damage. I just bought myself a split second of time.”

Zak Prekop
Transparency with Light, 2013
Oil on canvas
Courtesy of Thomas Duncan Gallery.
“Long Instant Short Hour” is on view through December 21st, 2013.
For more information visit Thomas Duncan Gallery, Los Angeles