“People’s passion, lifestyle beautiful wine, gigantic glass towers, all surrounded by water : the superlative high resolution bed”, 2013. Courtesy of the gallery.
Currently at François Ghebaly, Los Angeles is a solo exhibition by Neïl Beloufa. The exhibition is composed of various works including large scale sculpture and installation, as well as wall works that dwell within the realm of assemblage using readymades and industrious materials. Projections are used within a number of the works, adding an aquarium like quality to pieces that use translucent materials in their construction. The space is heavy used and can only be fully experienced in person. We recommend you visit François Ghebaly, Los Angeles to check out Neïl Beloufa’s solo exhibition. Below is the press release which takes an unexpected turn, becoming a product of the “keepin’ it real” attitude. Read excerpt below and see for yourself.

“Real Estate TBD 2 ‘ the alien Abduction near the castle right next to the forest close the freeway a day of full moon’ “, 2013. Courtesy of the gallery.
“Now comes the worst part—while most artworks succeed in their ease of storage, these bulky, unwieldy objects are also difficult to store after use. Beloufa’s work occupies more space while still giving you the least original ideas. While it employs empty gestures and garbled philosophy, it can never be easily dismantled into convenient storage units and impossible to reduce to a single unmuddied brand.
As regards any issues pertaining to repairs and replacements, our services are completely unavailable. As part of our introductory offer, we are asking you to enter a waiting list until you’re allowed to pay.
We want your home to be the cleanest in the neighborhood, so this artwork really isn’t for you.
It really doesn’t matter to us!”
– Andrew Berardini
This exhibition is on view through November 2nd. For more information on Neïl Beloufa’s solo exhibition visit François Ghebaly, Los Angeles.