Rachel Maclean, Germs, 2013, video still, courtesy the artist, a Bold Yin Ltd Production for Channel 4 Random Acts. Courtesy of the gallery.
Rowing, London, is pleased to present “As real as walking down the street and going to the grocery store”, a group exhibition with works by John Baldessari, Andy Holden, Shana Moulton, Rachel Maclean, Heather Phillipson and Samara Scott. The exhibition opens Saturday, October 19th and is on view through November 23rd.
Exploring the apparent increasing similarity between mediated reality and reality itself, the artists in the exhibition use humor, irony and subversion to investigate how our reality is constructed by media, advertisements and the products we consume, as well as the repercussions these may have on the construction of the self and identity.
With assorted strategies and aesthetics, the artists in the exhibition disrupt and reedit the everyday. The works expose the uncanny materiality of our surroundings, revealing the absurd and comical nature of reality and the nature of our excessive entanglement within it, confronting us with a taste of our own cultural desires and anxieties.
For more information on “As real as walking down the street and going to the grocery store” exhibition visit Rowing, London.