Eric Michael Corrigan, Southern Tour, oil and silkscreen ink on canvas, 32 x 45.5 inches. Courtesy of the gallery.
“WORD PERFECT” open tonight August 7th at Andrea Schwartz Gallery in San Francisco. “Word Perfect” is a group exhibition with guest curator, renowned author Danielle Steel. The show is comprised of artists represented by the gallery including Cara Barer, Seamus Conley, Eric Michael Corrigan and Mitch Jones as well as guest artists Long-Bin Chen, Jerry Kunkel, Lucky Rapp, and Danielle Steel. Danielle Steel is sure an art enthusiast an had had her hands in many art endeavors such as being a passionate collector for many years and studied design. She owned and operated Steel Gallery in San Francisco from 2003-2007, exhibiting contemporary work by emerging artists. Steel has even written 129 books ranging from fiction, non-fiction, poetry and children’s books!
Below are some words by Danielle Steel which accompany the exhibitions description.
“Words are paintings of thoughts. A single word can instantly conjure up a place, a person, a mood, a situation. The right word can transport you, upset you, excite you, delight you. Love, hope, chocolate, magic. A phrase can describe an entire lifetime. Words are powerful, and when you find the perfect word, you know it, and it hits you right between the eyes!!! Word perfect!!!”
Also if you have not yet visited Andrea Schwartz’s new gallery space in the SOMA district, you should find time to check it out. For more information visit here.