First off, we would like to congratulate Little Paper Planes for opening their retail location in San Francisco. It has been coming along for a while, but it’s now open for business and awaits your arrival. The store has a number of print and handmade goods, as well as some artwork for your viewing and purchasing pleasure. Make time on this sunny San Francisco day to visit LPP and show your support. For information on LLP’s store visit here.
One of the intentions for LLP is to have their store open to the public for programming that is rooted in the primary acts of creating and exhibiting contemporary art. One event that spans both realms of making and showing is a discussion with curators and artists Aaron Harbour and Jackie Im from Et al. gallery in Chinatown, San Francisco. They have been very active recently with a range of projects, and exhibitions bringing attention to progressive artists working in the Bay Area. They have brought their programming to NYC and Miami with the NADA art fair and continue to do so in the future. It will be a real treat to hear what they have to say about their curatorial and artistic practice. The talk begins at 7pm. Don’t be late, or you will be sorry.
“A walk through several exhibitions Im and Harbour have curated/(their art has)been (their art) in, the differences between these two practices, using both real and imaginary, past and future examples, plus some readings from various written projects and particularly effective clips from television and the internet.”
For more information visit here.