It’s a nice day out – but it will soon get foggy tonight – I would recommend beating the fog to the punch line by getting stoned on some marijuana and/or having a few drinks and then heading to these two exhibitions.
1st stop:
R Bar (polk and sutter)
Yes it’s known as a bit of a yuppie hangout but they have a wonderful ice cold supply of Olympia beers and a solid selection of whiskey – actually just go for the Bullet Bourbon, on the rocks, with a small splash of soda water to open up the flavors. After two rounds of this you will be ready to walk across the street to the Popular Workshop where Ben Barretto has his solo exhibition opening up entitled “SELF HELP” (this has nothing to do with the drinking theme I am trying to push on all of you…but it does help the helpless). I’m going to pretend I didn’t read the press release so I don’t have to use any art speak – but the show looks good and the Popular Workshop has never let me down so get to it.
2nd stop:
Thee Parkside (1600 17th St)
This is one of the best bars in the city because I feel like the bartender will still tell you to fuck off if they need to which should happen more to these tech invaders as they are raping our city in a second tech boom. The food is pretty good so it’s a nice pit stop on the way to the new Wattis building where A.Will Brown is curating a show as the winner of this year’s Kadist Fellowship Show. I would recommend having a few more shots of Whiskey at Thee Parkside as you probably smoked some weed in the TL at the Popular Workshop and walking into the Wattis stoned is like walking into a graduate lecture stoned where you forgot you are presenting and have to go first. But the press release seems promising and why not support the original Will Brown who had to change his name to A. Will Brown, because of the alternative space, Will Brown. I would personally be pissed but I guess what can you do. I am a little confused on why the show is based on some obscure book I didn’t read because I don’t have a MFA but after talking to Mr. A. Will Brown he assured me that you only need a high school diploma to understand the show…obviously I’m joking about all of this – this whole post is actually a joke except that fact that I will be drinking at these two bars tonight and attending these two shows and I recommend that you do too – I will buy a shot for anyone that sees me at these two bars, and that my friends I am serious about.
A note from your friendly Editor-In-Chief of SFAQ