Check out this great show of new works by Tomoo Gokita at Taka Ishii, Tokyo.  Gokita is a magician with black and white acrylic gouache and deserves another look.  Check it out.  Enjoy.

Artist: Tomoo Gokita

Venue: Taka Ishii, Tokyo

Exhibition Title: Variety Show

Date: June 30 – July 28, 2012


Press Release (English): 


Gokita’s work has been shown in numerous exhibitions in Japan and abroad. In 2012, his work was included in The Unseen Relationship: Form and Abstraction held at the Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art.


Gokita uses acrylic gouache to create uniquely even surfaces in his paintings. Together, the paintings’ palettes, from which all color excluding black and white have been removed, and abstract imagery, which nevertheless retain traces of representation, exude formidable power over their viewers.


Press Release (Japanese): 

タカ・イシイギャラリーでは、6月30日(土)から7月28日(土)まで、五木田智央個展「Variety Show」を開催いたします。東京を拠点に活動を続ける五木田は、国内外での数多くの展覧会に参加、2012年にはDIC川村記念美術館 「抽象と形態:何処までも顕れないもの」展に出展いたしました。2008年以来、ギャラリーでは二回目となる本展では新作ペインティングを発表いたします。


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